e premte, 11 maj 2007

Three Common Misconceptions About Your Acne

By Clark Haroldson

How did it happen, your acne? When did it start? I am not quite sure really. I woke up one morning got out of bed-as you do. I headed for the shower-as you do. I walked past the mirror in the bathroom-as you do. I casually looked into it. Then I did a double take-and BOING!! There it was, right on the end of my nose!

Things developed from there really-down hill all the way. Each morning as I passed the mirror I would closely scrutinize ever inch of my face and guess what? More zits appeared. What was happening to me? I became paranoid and spotty! Suddenly a word that had never been a part of my vocabulary became a familiar one-ACNE. The dangers of my young life loomed up before me. Would I lose my girl? Would I lose face (no joke intended) with my friends? Would I have to go into hiding? I need HELP! HELP! HELP! It’s not your acne it’s my acne.

Ok so slow down! I’ve been there too. I know what its like. Let’s just reason together for a while. It’s a terrible place to be just as life starts to open up and you are making progress and you have to face this problem. But let’s not worry about it let’s deal with it-ok.

Most people that are affected by Acne are generally young, perhaps between the ages of eleven to twenty four. Basically your acne is a skin condition that causes spots. It typically affects the skin of the face, back, neck, chest and arms and the severity of the condition can vary greatly from person to person.

Three common misconceptions about the origins of the condition are as follows:

1) It has been said your acne is entirely due to diet. There have been extensive studies undertaken that disprove the suggestions that chocolate, fries, chips, and sugars are the direct causes of acne, this, however, has been refuted by dermatologists as myth. But you have to be sensible and help your body’s immune system by giving it the things it needs to help you fight the condition, so learn to eat healthily.

2) It has also been stated that poor hygiene causes your acne. This just isn’t true. The hormones get to work, the sebaceous glands produce oil, the pores get blocked and BINGO, a small volcano is formed then it’s just a matter of time before it goes bang! However, hygiene can help. So keep the areas washed and free from bugs and you’ll give your body a fighting chance to work its own way out of the problem.

3) Here’s a sensitive one Master……. causes acne. Let me tell you it’s just not true. There have been studies on this issue as well, all found to be untrue. However it is also important to note that sexual activity has been observed to result in hormones spiking and it is this aspect that has often been linked to your acne.

My advice is to approach the problem of your acne with a comprehensive plan. Eat healthily, wash regularly use an anti-bio, get plenty of rest, practice meditation so as not to worry, find the right treatment designed for you. So visit your doctor, in other words live a balanced, healthy and full life and you’ll beat your acne.

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Acne Treatment - Removing Scars With Dermabrasion

By CD Mohatta Platinum Quality Author

Acne scars
can be easily removed with dermabrasion. Acne scars are a big cosmetic problem and those who have them all looking for ways to get rid of them at a minimum cost and pain. Dermabrasion is an effective procedure for removing acne scars.

Dermabrasion is a simple procedure. In this procedure, scars, wrinkles and pigmentation are treated. A small abrasive wheel or brush rotating at a high speed is used by the doctor to abrade or remove the skin with the wheel. This is a very easy way to remove acne scars.

Dermabrasion is a mechanical procedure. If you have used a sand paper, you will quickly understand what dermabrasion is. Once the old skin with acne scars is removed, new skin will form in some days. The new skin will be without any acne scars. The healing depends upon the area treated and the depth of the abrasion. This procedure may also swell your skin for some time, but slowly as the new skin forms, the problems go away and you can begin with your work again.

Before your doctor undertakes this procedure for you to treat acne scars, he/she will find out about your medical history. This will include finding about any active skin problems you might be having. If you have herpes simplex, acne, rosacea or any such problem, you may have to wait till that problem resolves. Your scar-forming tendency is considered. If you have keloid-forming tendency, you may not be a good candidate for dermabrasion. If you are taking isotretinoin tablets, you may have to wait for some time after you stop taking it. For those with history of cold sores or herpes simplex, an anti-viral treatment may be prescribed. This procedure is only for depressed acne scars.

The procedure may be conducted in your doctor's surgery or hospital setting. For small areas, local anesthetics are used, while for larger areas, general anesthesia is preferred. The time of procedure will also depend upon the total area to be abraded. The doctor will remove skin to the extent so that the abrasion reaches the depth of the acne scar. That will ensure removal of acne scar. Your doctor will dress up the wound and give you instructions about after-operative care. You may feel stinging sensation, swelling and red skin for some days. You must report every side effect to your doctor. As the new skin grows, you will feel some tingling sensation. Keep yourself protected from the sun as much as possible to avoid pigmentation problem in the treated area in the first three months. After some days as new skin forms you will find that your scars have disappeared.

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How To Improve Your Acne With Herbs For Acne

By James Pang

Some herbs for acne can naturally and effectively improve acne condition. First, we must know what causes acne. Then we need to choose the specific herbs for acne to improve the root cause of this disturbing skin problem.

We often treat acne by applying cream to affected area. Some even take drug medications. Usually, these methods only give temporary relieve. It deals with the outer symptoms but neglected the inner root cause for acne.

Before taking any supplements or herbs, you must first change your lifestyles and diet since it directly affects your acne conditions. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) points out excessive body heat, especially liver heat, as one of the main cause for acne. Following are simple guides for reducing your body heat.

1) Reduce sun exposure

Acne problem is more common among people living in tropical country because the weather is hotter. Exposure to sun raises your body heat.

2) Sleep early

Late sleeping time increases your body heat. Our body operates on our biology clock everyday. In TCM, at each two hours interval, energy changes in our body. These energies affect our body functions. Late sleeping disturbs its balances, causing heat build up. So to improve acne, remember to sleep earlier, preferably before 11 pm.

3) Reduce fried, grilled and spicy food

These are foods high in heat that you must control.

4) Drink more water

Water absorbs body heat and passes it out through urine.

5) Control anger and stress

Therefore, the first types of herbs for acne are herbs that effectively reduce body heat.

For fast results, we recommend Five Leaves Ginseng herbs (Rhinacanthus Nasutus) and White Crane Lingzhi herbs (Gynostemma Pentaphyllum). These herbs are high in medicinal values and can quickly reduce your body heat.

The second cause for acne is hormone imbalance especially among teens.

Out of the many herbs and natural supplements, Royal Jelly is the best supplement to regulate body hormones. Besides, Royal Jelly can nourish your liver with its high content of natural nutrients. A healthier liver makes your skin smoother.

The third cause for acne is accumulation of toxics in the body.

If you have constipation, you need to aware that your intestines will absorb toxics from the feces. The toxics will circulate to various body parts through blood circulation. If these toxics arrive to your face, it certainly causes acne. Therefore, you need to cure your constipation before curing your acne.

One of the herbs for acne to detoxify your blood and liver is Ganoderma Lucidum. This herb has strong detoxification ability with its high content of Organic Germanium and other minerals. By neutralizing and discharging accumulated toxic out of body, Ganoderma Lucidum cleanses your blood and liver. This improves acne naturally and effectively.

That is why taking Ganoderma Lucidum herbs for acne make your skin smoother. However, for serious case, be prepare for its temporary negative reaction. The detoxification effect removes excessive toxics through the skin, causing more acne at the beginning. When detoxification completes, acne automatically reduce. This is a very normal process.

In addition, taking Ganoderma Lucidum herbs for acne can improve blood circulation and increase immune system. This further aids the healing of acne.

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4 Tips for Covering Pimples

By Rita Litton

It would not be so bad if you could just figure out a way to cover those ugly pimples that would give a more natural appearance. It seems that no matter what you do it just looks so unnatural. Some pimples are very red and the redness wants to come through the makeup. There may not be a way to make your acne invisible but there are 4 tips for covering pimples that will make them appear less noticeable.

The first of 4 tips to covering your pimples, and most important thing that you need to do, is make sure that your hands and face are clean. Hopefully, you have a cleaning regiment that has proven effective for you, most of the time. When you have acne prone skin you have to keep your skin clean to cut the oil down. Always clean our skin before you go to bed at night, no matter how tired you are or where you are.

After you have completed tip number 1 out of the 4 tips for covering your pimples you need to apply a concealer. A concealer needs to be lighter than your foundation. When you use the concealer be sure you do not put it on heavy. It works best if you use a light covering. Of course, there are some people who would recommend that you use a green or yellow tinted concealer; this is something that is a personal preference.

The number 3 tip for covering pimples is, of course, the foundation. Your foundation should match your skin tone as closely as possible and, if feasible, test a small amount to see if you are sensitive to the foundation. Your best choice is, of course, an oil free foundation and be sure that you do not skimp on this one. You need to purchase a more reputable foundation. Do not go cheap. If possible, the best choice is a masking cosmetic that can only be found in major department stores. By the way, I read a tip recently that suggested using Visine to help get the redness reduced.

Now, for tip number 4 for covering your pimples; oil-free powder. To finish your look you will need to use a powder to take away the shine. It is better to use a makeup brush instead of the makeup pad that comes with the powder, also make sure the color matches your foundation and then apply lightly. You have seen what skin looks like when the powder or foundation is too thick, so do not over do.

The next best thing to getting rid of your pimples is to cover them well. They may not disappear but you can make them less noticeable. Use these 4 tips for covering your pimples and you will be able to face your day a little better.

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Say Goodbye to Acne

By Rita Litton

I know that if you suffer with acne you wish you could just say goodbye to acne. Unfortunately, it is not that easy. Some people get the occasional blemish and just about go crazy because of it, they have no idea what it is like for people who have large outbreaks nearly all of the time. There is nothing that seems to make a person feel worse than having a severe occurrence of blemishes. You try everything on the market. There are creams, and soaps that all say they will clear up your acne, but then you suffer with dry or irritated skin and become discouraged all ever again. I am going to offer some suggestions that may help and many people they do work.

One thing that you need to know is that the type of soap you use does matter. Some soap just dry your skin and some make it look almost waxy in appearance. The kind of soap that works best will be glycerin based. Glycerin does not leave your skin feeling dry or waxy. An example of this kind of soap is Neutrogena. You can also try sorbitol face washes for the same effect but they also help the pH balance of the skin.

Another way to help say goodbye to acne is to use an exfoliate on your skin. Our skin usually does this naturally but sometimes in oily skin it does not happen enough. There are alpha and beta hydroxyl acid bases products that work the best and are very mild. Also, these products work slowly to help you skin exfoliate. Another thing you might consider is not using moisturizer very often and only on the part of you skin that is dry.

Your next tip in saying goodbye to acne is to cut back on the sugar. I know you do not want to hear about this one but it does make a difference. To much sugar has many negative effects and your skin is one of them. Cutting back on soda would be a good place to start and than cut back a little at a time until you are seeing the results of cutting back on your sugar intake.

Another diet related tip to help you say goodbye to your acne is to drink plenty of water and take vitamin C. Water is good for us and helps flush our system of things that are not good for us. It is also good for our skin, as well. Taking vitamin C helps our immune system and helps fight the bacteria that cause the acne.

One last way to help you say goodbye to acne is to use a good sun block. We need to protect our skin from sun damage and side effects that it causes. Too much exposure to the sun causes more breakouts not less. When you have oily or combination skin you should make sure that you find an oil free sun block.

I hope these tips will help you say goodbye to your acne and then you can relax and feel better about yourself. That is something we all deserve and can all have if we put these few simple suggestions into place.

Rita enjoys writing articles that help anyone suffering with acne, especially teenagers. Having teenagers of her own she understands the need for them to feel good about themselves so that they can be more confident in themselves. Acne suffers often have a hard time feeing good about themselves so the author hopes to make a difference in their lives by helping them say goodbye to acne.

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The Natural Acne Cure During Pregnency

By Peter Dougan

Acne in pregnancy is very common, whether you have previously had acne or not. It is most common in the first three months while the levels of hormones are increasing. Progesterone is more androgenic (male hormone-like) than estrogen and causes the secretions of your skin glands to increase, which can lead to more acne. The all natural acne cure, rich in antioxidants, will help reduce the secretions and your acne.

After the first trimester, progesterone is produced by the placenta and not the ovaries, so acne usually clears up after this time. Treatment with Acnezine, the natural acne cure, at this stage of pregnancy is also beneficial for it is a natural scientific product without any side effects.

Here are some tips from Acnezine’s expert team to combat acne with the natural acne cure, during pregnancy.

Plan Before You Get Pregnant:

If you are planning to get pregnant, it is important to discuss your acne treatments with your doctor. Many of these can harm the unborn baby. These include tetracycline antibiotics, oral isotretinoin (Roaccutane, Accutane) and topical retinoids (tretinoin, isotretinoin and adapalene). Erythromycin is the only antibiotic regarded as being safe in pregnancy, but it may not be very effective as many skin bacteria are now resistant to it. However, it's probably better to avoid all medications if possible.

During Pregnancy:

While pregnant, the skin can also dry out more than normal so drying treatments such as benzoyl peroxide cream or gel may be too harsh. It's better to use products that are natural in origin. Tea tree oil is safe to use on spots and blemishes. If you have blackheads and oily skin, clay masks are fantastic for absorbing oils and blocked pores try kaolin and bentonite clay. Remember to drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruit and vegetables - beneficial both for your skin and the developing baby!

Treating Scars and Red Marks:

The best treatment for scars and red marks left behind from acne is alternate use of Acnezine, the natural acne cure, with rosa mosquito oil.

The Value of Antioxidants:

Nutritionists are always telling us of the value of antioxidants, they mop up free radicals. This is basically what a detox diet does; it's full of antioxidant food to get rid of the toxins. If you put the right fuel in, you can expect dramatic results. A diet rich in antioxidant food will help reduce acne.

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Acne Treatment- Some Facts About Skin Care

By CD Mohatta Platinum Quality Author

Acne treatment
can be very time consuming process. Many people get tired treating acne and getting no results. They change the acne medication, try herbals and home remedies but get no results. Acne treatment can be speeded up greatly if you follow some basic care. Good skin care stops aggravation of acne and help cure acne. Let us look at some of the skin care tips for acne treatment.

1. Don't squeeze out blackheads or whiteheads. Squeezing may lead to further infection. Squeezing also increases the pore size. If you want ask your doctor to remove the comedones.

2. Excessive sweat or dirt does not cause acne. What we see as black in blackheads is not dirt, but oxidized sebum. This does not mean that one should keep skin dirty. But excessive cleaning of skin will not cure acne. Excessive cleaning may rather aggravate the condition.

3. It is recommended that you use noncomedogenic cosmetics and skin care products. For quick acne treatment, I would say that you avoid any cosmetic. But if you must use, use Noncomedogenic products. These products do not cause any acne.

4. Rapid change of medication will not speed up acne treatment. Use any good medication at least for one month. If by that time you observe no results than you should ask your doctor about another medication.

Basic skin care is very important for quick resolution of acne. Overuse of medication, trying unknown products does not help the acne treatment. They may worsen your condition.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

For more information about acne treatment to make your skin blemish-free and young, please visit- acnedoctor.us . This site is dedicated to help you look good. For keeping yourself acne free find out more about the acne that causes damage to our skin. To treat acne scars, click acne scars.

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The Best Acne Treatment

By Lucinda Williams

The best acne treatment is different for everyone. Acne is a universal affliction that doesn't discriminate on the basis of race or nationality. If you suffer from acne, you definitely shouldn't feel alone. However, the most effective acne treatment can vary greatly from person to person. Massive amounts of money are spent annually by pharmaceutical companies searching for the most effective acne treatments.

Unfortunately, so far no real cure has been found for acne. The best one can hope for is to find options that help prevent, reduce or control the acne outbreaks. Many companies have developed chemically based over the counter acne remedies which are partially effective, and cosmetic companies have produced make-up to conceal the blemishes. A few of these products can cost quite a bit, and usually the treatment needs to be ongoing. Often insurance won't pay for these treatments, so the sufferer has to cover it.

The first step is a visit to your doctor to establish which type of acne you are suffering from. They should also be able to confirm your skin type. This is important as cream based treatments should not be used on oily skin, while gel based products are not the best option for dry skin.

For those who have severe acne, it's probably best to consult a dermatologist. They should be well informed of any new acne treatments that may be better for your particular case. They might also give you different sample medications to find what works best for your type of acne. Many insurance companies will cover this type of treatment.

Many conventional skin care treatments for acne invariably make the problem worse, sometimes they contain sulfur, resorcinol or benzyl peroxide, which can cause dry skin because of the way they dissolve oil. Your skin may no longer be oily but your acne will remain because your skin is too dry. Instead of solving the problem you've actually added another because dry skin is more susceptible to developing fine lines and wrinkles which can accelerate the aging process. Simply washing your face with a mild antibacterial soap may be just as effective and doesn't make matters worse. The incidence of acne would probably be reduced if people stopped using harsh chemicals and other such skin products. Switching to mild skin care products that don't damage your skin could save yourself or your teenager the discomfort of further acne problems. This is also true for acne treatment during pregnancy.

Natural remedies for acne can be found in nutrition and health food stores. They are made with herbs and vitamins that have long been known to be beneficial for the skin. Many contain niacin, or vitamin A. Zinc products are also known to promote clear healthy looking skin. Some people recommend home remedies such as orange peel pureed in water which is applied directly to the affected area, and also lemon juice. Some use coriander combined with turmeric, grated cucumber or crushed garlic applied directly to the skin as a homeopathic remedy. Home or herbal remedies are usually safer for acne treatment than harsh over the counter or prescription drugs but you still need to be careful and possibly consult your dermatologist about their use.

In conclusion, the ideal acne treatment is one which doesn't just tackle the acne problem from the outside, but also cleanses your body from the inside as well. The most effective acne treatment will be different for everyone. Again be very careful of using prescription drugs - they are thought to lead to depression in some people. However, for some they may be the best acne solution.

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A Guide To The Common Signs Of Acne - And What You Can Do About It

By Dennis Wilson

By the time you finish reading this article, you will know the common signs of acne. We’ll also discuss who gets it, when it appears and where it usually appears on the body. And if you’ve got acne, we’ll talk about what you can do about it.

Common Signs of Acne

Acne appears as any of the following on the skin: pimples, blackheads, whiteheads or cysts. Pimples are simply raised reddish spots. Cysts are thick lumps under the surface of the skin.

Cause of Acne

Acne is caused when hair follicles get blocked, usually by an over production of oil, and a bacteria infection takes hold in the hair follicle. Hormones are often the trigger for the over production of oil.

Who Gets Acne?

Acne affects most people at some time in their life. Babies and infants can have it, so can the elderly. Acne is most common in teenagers, affecting about the same proportion of boys and girls. Teenage acne often lasts for around five years, but it can continue for ten to twenty years. It’s also common for many women to start getting acne between the ages of 20 to 50.

Where Do People Get Acne?

Most people get acne on the face. It can also occur on the skin of the chest, back, arms and thighs.

So What Can You Do About Acne?

You could start with an over-the-counter product from the drug store. Oxy pads, wash and lotion is a good and inexpensive one to try. Many people see good results with this in around four weeks.

For faster results, you could try Astra Blue Flame Purification mask. It works great as an overnight spot treatment on newly forming spots and as a full face mask. It’s more expensive than Oxy, but it’s worth it.

If the over-the-counter products don’t clear up your acne, then go to your doctor or dermatologist. They have a wide range of treatments available from prescription drugs to laser therapy. This works for some, but many find it unsatisfactory.

The thing to note is that there isn’t a single cure that works for everyone, but there’s probably a treatment that will work for you. You just have to keep trying until you find it.

Makeup Can Help

If you’re a woman, you can make a difference to your appearance with makeup. You need to be careful in your choice of makeup. Some makeup can clog the pores and make acne worse.

Bare Minerals by Bare Essentials is a very popular choice for acne sufferers. The starter kit has everything you need. Just don’t try and cover up your acne completely as that rarely works. Just aim to tame the redness around the spots.

In Conclusion

The common signs of acne are easily recognized. If you’ve got acne, don’t despair – there are many treatments available. You might need to try several before finding the right treatment for you. And if you’re a woman, makeup can help with your appearance until it clears up.

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The Truth About Light Therapy for Acne

By Dennis Wilson

Are you frustrated with over-the-counter and prescription acne treatments that don’t work? Well people like you are turning to blue light therapy for acne. But does it work? How can shining a blue light on your face make any difference? Are there any side effects? And what does it cost? This article will answer these questions so you can decide if light therapy is for you.

It’s unbelievable but it’s claimed that shining a blue light on your skin kills the bacteria that cause acne. And red light rejuvenates the skin. So a combination of blue and red is best for treating acne. Of course this isn’t just any old blue or red light. It’s finely tuned to very specific properties, including dose. And it’s been evaluated and approved by the FDA. So it must work… right? Well it does to some extent.

There has been some scientific research that shows blue/red combination light therapy does work for some people. Studies show that on average, there’s a 73% reduction in acne after 8 weeks of treatment rising to 82% reduction after 12 weeks. There’s also anecdotal evidence that it works for some but not for others. This is normally only used for people with mild to moderate acne. Whether it works for you or not, there’s one piece of really good news… there’s absolutely no side effects.

That’s right, not a single reported side effect. That’s most unusual for an acne treatment. The light doesn’t burn or irritate the skin, and there’s no pain or discomfort either. Of course you do have to wear safety goggles to protect your eyes during treatment. There is one problem and that is the cost of treatment.

Professional treatment at a dermatologist typically costs $50 to $150 per session. Typically you might need one or two treatments a week, so the cost quickly mounts up. A cheaper way to go is to buy a home blue/red light box which can be as effective but needs daily use because of the lower power level. This will still set you back around $500. Unfortunately, there’s no way of knowing if it will work for you until you try it.

So there you have it. If you have mild to moderate acne and other treatments haven’t worked for you, you can give blue light acne a go. Just so long as you don’t mind forking out some significant cash. But at least there are no adverse side effects to worry about. There are of course other alternatives with higher success rates and lower costs that you could try instead.

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Clear Acne Skin Diet

By Alan Jensen

The saying, "you are what you eat," holds particularly true when attempting to treat acne. While it's true that food does not cause acne; food does have an impact on hormones. When hormones go into overdrive, the skin produces more sebum (oil), which can lead to clogged pores and ultimately, acne break-outs.

A clear skin diet consists of fresh, whole fruits, vegetables and grains. It includes essential fatty acids and protein. A healthy diet can help everyone obtain and maintain good skin, but it's crucial for those who suffer from moderate to severe acne.

Eating a clear skin diet means eliminating processed foods, sugar, wheat, egg yolks, most meat and dairy products, tobacco and alcohol. Butter, caffeine, cheese, chocolate, cocoa, cream, fatty foods, fried foods, spicy foods, margarine, hydrogenated oils and shortenings, soft drinks and foods containing brominated vegetable oils (found in Mountain Dew and Gatorade), are also on the banned list.

So what can you eat? The following foods will help to provide the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals. Obtaining a proper balance of these vitamins and minerals helps to prevent acne outbreaks and help clear skin while at the same time helping to speed healing time of acne lesions.

Vitamin A - Good sources of vitamin A include fish oil, orange or yellow vegetables or fruits, cabbage and broccoli.

Niacin (a B vitamin) - Good sources of niacin include yeast, fish (e.g., tuna, salmon), legumes, and seeds.

Riboflavin and pyridoxine (B vitamins) - The best sources of riboflavin include brewer's yeast, almonds, whole grains, wild rice, mushrooms, soybeans, yogurt, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and spinach.

Vitamin C - Great sources of vitamin C include fruit and fruit juices, peppers, cabbage, potatoes, mustard greens, turnip greens, cabbage, celery, summer squash, garlic, basil, cayenne pepper, and avocados.

Iron - Food sources rich in iron include clams, tofu, shrimp, black beans, chickpeas and skinless chicken breast.

Essential fatty acids - There are two families of essential fatty acids (EFAs): Omega-3 and Omega-6. Omega-9 is necessary, yet "non-essential" because the body can manufacture a modest amount on its own, as long as the other two omegas are present.

Essential fatty acids are one of the most critical aspects of following a clear skin diet. EFAs help make up the skin's structure and are needed to maintain skin surfaces, as well as other major bodily functions.

Good sources of Omega-3 EFAs include flaxseed oil, flaxseeds, flaxseed meal, hempseed oil, hempseeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, some dark leafy green vegetables (kale, mustard greens, spinach, etc.), salmon, mackerel, albacore tuna, anchovies, and avocados.

Good sources of Omega-6 EFAs include flaxseed oil, flaxseeds, flaxseed meal, hempseed oil, hempseeds, grapeseed oil, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, raw sunflower seeds, pistachio nuts, olives, olive oil, borage oil, evening primrose oil, black currant seed oil and chicken. Avoid using the refined or hydrogenated versions of these oils.

Omega-9 can be found in olives, extra virgin olive oil, sesame oil, almonds, pecans, cashews and hazelnuts. Experts recommend consuming one to two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil per day, in order to obtain sufficient oleic acid. However, it's best to consume smaller amounts throughout the day, as opposed to consuming the entire amount in one single dose.

Following a clear skin diet will not only make your skin look great, it will also provide you with more energy, clearer thinking, and may even help you lose weight.

Alan Jensen is recognized as a leading expert on herbal acne products for fast and safe acne treatment. He is a frequent contributor to Acne Treatment. He enjoys spending free time with his family and 3 year old German Shepherd.

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Best Acne Treatment

By Alan Jensen

There are literally dozens of acne treatment products on the market. You can find oils, scrubs, cleansers, toners, masks, creams, vitamin packs and more. Some acne treatments are specifically formulated just for teens, women or men. Many involve a multi-step process and use a combination of products. Others are left on the skin overnight. Trying to find the best acne treatment product can be overwhelming and confusing.

Acne affects everyone differently. Some people are lucky and only get the occasional pimple. Others suffer horribly and have acne outbreaks that cover most of their upper torso and face. Acne can be serious enough to produce scars. If left untreated, acne can lead to mental and emotional stress; particularly in teens. That is why choosing the right acne treatment is so important.

For the person with mild acne, outbreaks can usually be managed with some simple facial cleansing routines. Experts recommend an acne treatment of gently washing the area twice daily with warm water and soap. Most municipal water is chlorinated to kill parasites and bacteria. Some people with acne are sensitive to chlorine and prefer to use distilled or spring water instead. Choose soaps that are mild and hypoallergenic. All-natural cleansers are generally the better choice. It does not matter if the soap is bar or liquid. A micro-fiber cloth is recommended. Facial clothes made from cotton can harbor bacteria and worsen acne, so always use a fresh, clean cloth.

In addition to cleansing the area, you may want to use an over-the-counter medication. Look for products that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, resorcinol, or sulfur. Use benzoyl peroxide to reduce oil production. The other three help breakdown blackheads and whiteheads. Over-the-counter acne treatment products are available in many forms including gels, lotions, creams, soaps and pads.

OTC acne treatment products are formulated to kill the bacteria on the epidermis. They can be found in most drug and grocery stores. When you use OTC products, patience is required. It may take several weeks before results are visible.

When acne covers half or more of your face, neck, shoulders, back or chest, it is considered moderate acne. At this stage it is best to consult with a dermatologist in order to determine the best acne treatment. Usually a combination of therapies will be used and may include prescription medications, extraction, light therapy or dietary changes.

Generally, doctors will prescribe topical medications to treat moderate acne. These medications come in a variety of forms including creams, lotions, gels and topical solutions. People with dry skin typically prefer creams and lotions, while patients with excessively oily skin prefer gels. Gels and topical solutions are generally alcohol based and tend to dry the skin. Your dermatologist will be able to determine which acne treatment is best for you.

In addition to topical medications, people with moderate to severe acne may also be prescribed oral medications. It is common for doctors to prescribe oral antibiotics. It is believed that oral antibiotics inhibit the growth of P.acnes bacterium and decrease inflammation. Some people experience side effects when taking antibiotics including nausea, upset stomach, dizziness and photosensitivity. In order to treat severe acne, patients usually are required to take oral antibiotics for up to six months. Careful consideration must be given before engaging in long-term antibiotic treatment.

Severe acne generally requires more aggressive treatments in order to slow down the progression and to prevent acne scars. At this stage a combination of therapies will be used. Generally this will include the use of oral antibiotics and medications such as Accutane; corticosteroid injections; or acne surgery to drain cysts.

Finding the best acne treatments can be a difficult process. Acne treatments and medications will work differently for each person. When using OTC products, it may be a matter of trial and error to determine the best acne treatment. In cases of moderate and severe acne, only your doctor can help you determine which acne treatment is best for you.

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e enjte, 3 maj 2007

The Natural Solution to Your Acne Problems

By: Sarah Rhodes

Vitamin B5 also known as pantothenic acid is a commonly used vitamin to treat acne. It become widely popular after Dr. Leung a Hong Kong acne expert published a paper on its effectiveness. His paper was based on the theory that acne sufferers are deficient in vitamin B. The result is excess sebum production, the root cause of clogged hair follicles leading to acne.

Most cases of light to moderate acne can be treated by over the counter medications. There are many to choose from. Some acne suffers find that benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid works well, and benzoyl peroxide is known to readily kill the acne bacteria. Benzoyl peroxide can be found in cleansers and in spot treatments. Benzoyl peroxide is very drying and can make your face look even more irritated, especially when you first start washing with it. Many acne suffers use a moisturizer on their face after washing. There are many moisturizers available that are specifically designed to help with acne such as Cetaphil, Eucerin, and Neutrogena.

Some people will require acne medications because more serious illness are the reason for their acne problem. Home remedies for acne through diet can alleviate many of your outbreaks because we truly are what we eat. If the eyes are the window to the soul then the skin is a reflection of your overall health so the beginning of a real cure starts from within.

Acne is not caused by poor hygiene. While skin infections are associated with acne, lack of cleanliness is not the reason for acne outbreaks. The combination of oil and dead cells which produce acne is located beneath the skin's surface where it is impossible to clean it away. Gentle cleansing with soap and water once or twice daily will keep your skin as healthy as possible. Scrubbing too hard may worsen acne.

Though acne is a common problem, it is also one skin disease that is very easy to treat and prevent. There are many products that a person could consider as the best acne treatment. The best acne treatment for a person could be not the best acne treatment for another. This is because the best acne treatment is determined by the type of skin a person has and the skin reaction on that treatment. The best acne treatment could also range from the medical ones which are proven best acne treatments that modern medicine has to offer up to herbal medicines that are also accepted as the best acne treatment to some people.

Homeopathic treatment is made from minerals, herbs and other natural extracts that activate the body’s natural defenses. Because these ingredients are in minute concentrations, they trigger the body to heal itself without side effects.

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What Are The Best Acne Treatment Products?

By: Arturo Ronzon

A good acne treatment product is one that reduces the inflammation and the rubor, and soothes the skin as well, without creating any harmful side-effects. A wide range of acne products are available in the internet, which come with the promise of miraculous results. Products that are marketed over the counter may help some patients for whom the conditions are not severe. Serious cases often necessitate medical counsels and stronger prescription strength medications.

The internet is a mine of information on the best acne products available in the market. Sufferers may locate some very useful treatment options. The most common acne products include therapeutic lotions, oil-removing gels, skin-clarifying creams, oil-controlling face-masks, oil-removing cleansers, dead-skin removing scrubs, and so on. Detailed information about their efficacy and prices, including consumer reviews, are also available online. However, it is advisable to exercise caution before making any purchase.

The different acne products have different active ingredients. While some patients may be benefited by the use of certain chemicals, others may not experience any effect at all. For individuals with sensitive skin types, some chemicals may cause more harm than good. Hence, seeking the advice of a medical professional is imperative. Also, one might have to try out several products before locating the product that works best.

Products that are designed to make the skin soft and supple and to dissolve the comedones often contain natural plant oils that are easily absorbed into the skin. Some of the products contain ingredients that have antibacterial properties and help stimulate the inherent cleansing capacity of the skin, as for example, Tea tree oil, Grapefruit extract, and Echinacea extract. Certain ingredients like Aloe Vera extract, Tricolor extract, Rose hip oil etc. are incorporated to diminish the swelling and encourage healing. In order to protect, make the skin soft and further dissolve the comedones, many products contain natural plant oils that are easily absorbed into the epidermis, like Tea tree oil, Rose hip oil, Lavender oil and Olive oil. Damaged skin is reconstructed and sebum is made for fluid with ingredients like Evening primrose oil, Borage oil, Olive oil, Soy oil, Flax-seed oil, Wheat germ oil and Lecithin.

Many products make use of artificial ingredients, like Benzoyl peroxide, adapalene gel, tretinoin and so on. However, these harsh chemicals, although efficient in curing acne, have harmful effects like itching and drying actions. Both of the latter products need prescriptions of certified doctors before these can be purchased.

Oral supplements are also used o provide nourishment to the skin. These include ingredients like Vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, Folic acid, Flavonoids, Beta carotene, antioxidants like Green tea extracts, Methyl-sulfonyl methane, and minerals like Zinc, Copper, Magnesium, Selenium and so on. Spread of infection and scar formation is prevented using oral products that contain gum guggul extracts.

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The Real Acne Solution

By: Sarah Rhodes

Your own body will naturally attempt to clear the clogged pores by sending in certain specialized cells that invade the follicles to help clean it up. However, in the process, the wall of the follicles may weaken and rupture, emptying the contents of the follicles into the surrounding tissue. When this occurs, swelling or redness can develop around the affected follicles, resulting in the larger bumps or pimples characteristics of acne. These are known as papules and pustules and can sometimes cause scarring.

Acne, however, just occurs normally and naturally with teenagers like you so you shouldn't feel so bad and depressed about it.According to recent statistics, 9 out of 10 teens and about 25% of the adult population suffer from acne. But, acne is just a skin problem that can actually be treated. Doctors and health companies, nowadays, are looking forward to give us the best acne treatments for teenagers. Health tips are also worth to follow and made to practice. You should know that prevention is better than a cure! As the saying goes, the best cure for your acne problems is making the constant effort of preventing it to occur in the first place.

Today, there's a huge variety of natural acne treatments available. They claim to help you with improving Acne and its blemishes but you have to be very careful in choosing witch one you will use. However, they are mostly designed to do two things: 1.) Help correct hormonal imbalances related to acne breakouts. 2.) Reduce inflammation and swelling, and pave the way for fast skin repair where breakouts have recently occurred.

With the advanced acne treatments and acne products available today, acne need no longer have such a crippling impact on the sufferers' life. Once the outward symptom of acne first becomes apparent, that is, inflammation and lesion on the skin, it is important that you treat it right away so as to slow down or stop further inflammation.

Stress is commonly blamed for the development of acne. Stress can have many physiologic effects on the body, including changes in hormones that may theoretically lead to acne. In some cases the stress may actually be caused by the acne lesions, not the other way around! If the acne is being treated effectively, stress is not likely to have much impact on the majority of people.

Homeopathic treatment is made from minerals, herbs and other natural extracts that activate the body’s natural defenses. Because these ingredients are in minute concentrations, they trigger the body to heal itself without side effects.

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Diet As a Natural Treatment For Acne

By: Sarah Rhodes

For women it may be necessary to change some of the cosmetics you use daily ensuring that any foundations, blushes, eye shadow or moisturizers are oil free. It is best to look for products labeled noncomedogenic as these do not promote the formation of closed pores that cause the formation of spots and pimples. Even using these particular products some women may find their condition worsening. Additionally, it may be difficult to apply foundations during the first few weeks of treatment as the skin may become red or scaly, particularly with the use of topical tretinoin or benzoyl peroxide.

Does chocolate really cause pimples? How about oily foods? Do French fries bring on the acne? The latest reports show that although scientific evidence is not 100% accurate in this area, your diet does not directly cause acne. And by diet, this means not only chocolate and French fries, but also any other dietary combinations with sugar and oil or other ingredients.

It is important to exfoliate. This helps remove the dead skin cells, to maintain a healthy and glowing skin. A mild cleanser will help exfoliate the face after washing. Scrubbing will also help exfoliate the face, which can be done once or twice a week. This procedure will aid in reducing dead layers skin cells that clog the pores, reason why more pimples or acne.

Hygiene helps to control it, yet acne is not caused by a lack of hygeine, it comes about because of bacteria already present in the skin. The only true combatant, it seems, is to use a multitude of acne prevention methods at the same time or to find a permanent natural cure.

I have a question for acne-researchers. You say that acne is not a disease at all! If it is not a disease, then, what are you treating for? Why these galaxy of medicines and lotions are mounting the windows of drug stores? And what about those scar-problems, that one has to face? Now, don’t say there is no scar at all! Just because, your search and research is unable to get at it, do not deny its existence! Can you say that Malaria fever comes and goes after 7 days? Don’t you treat it as Malaria, when you get the attack?

Adult acne can be caused by a hormonal imbalances, pollution, medications, or stress to name a few. Studies have shown a direct correlation between hormonal imbalances and outbreaks of acne in women ranging in age from 30 to 40 years.

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Acne Skin Care Treatment : Prescription Method

By: Wyatt Lee

It is a well-known fact that most acne sufferers do not seek the professional advice of a qualified doctor to treat their acne condition. The idea here is to consult a skin specialist, also known as a dermatologist, who can give you valuable information, advice and tips on how to treat your acne.

If your acne condition is only moderate and not serious, then you can go for the over-the-counter type of medications. But please do seek the help of a dermatologist if your acne has reached a severe state, where he will recommend some prescription medications. However, it is still advisable to go for the prescription method even if your acne is mild, because the prescription method tends to be much more effective than what over-the-counter method can offer.

There are basically two types of prescription acne skin care treatments, namely antibiotics and ointments. Antibiotics are the common agent used to combat acne, and they can be used as a type of lotion, or taken orally. Ointment prescriptions include ingredients such as zinc or retinoid.


Tetracycline is the most common antibiotic used to treat your acne condition. What the tetracycline does is kill the bacteria which causes the acne, and it also helps to reduce any inflammation which may result from the acne. One thing you should know about antibiotic treatment is that it may take up to a few weeks or even months to see the effect. Not only that, you must continue the antibiotic treatment even after your acne has subsided.

Just like any other medications out there, the tetracycline antibiotic does have side effects. It will increase your skin’s overall sensitivity to sun light, which will lead to severe sun burns if you stay under the sun for a prolonged period. Other possible side effects include dizziness and stomach upset.


Antibiotic ointments generally have lesser complications as compared to oral antibiotics. They are highly useful when it comes to killing the bacteria which caused your acne. When the ointments are used in conjunction with other treatments like benzoyl peroxide, the bacteria may not develop resistance to the antibiotics.


Derived from vitamin A, retinoid can be applied directly onto the skin in the form of creams or lotions. Retinoid medications are particularly useful for treating blackheads and whiteheads by opening up clogged pores. The one common side effect of retinoid is that you will experience dry skin.

If your acne condition is so severe that it doesn’t respond to either antibiotics or ointments, then oral retinoid can be your next option. What an oral retinoid does is to cause the upper most layer of your skin to peel off, and in the process opens up more pores. Oral retinoid can also restrict the body from producing excess sebum, the oily substance which is responsible for your oily skin.

Oral retinoids must be used with caution, because there are known serious side effects and complications that comes with this type of retinoid. They can cause birth defects if a woman takes them during pregnancy. Other complications include depression and liver damage. So if an acne sufferer is on oral retinoid treatment, then regular medical attention and follow-up is required to make sure that the side effects and complications are reduced to the minimum.

If you are not sure of the reliability of over-the-counter medications, then always seek the advice of your dermatologist who can give you reliable prescription medication, and other advice for the most effective acne skin care treatment for your particular condition.

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Dietary Relief from Acne

By Ananda Mahony

Dietary Relief for Acne

Common causes of acne include contact with an oily substance such as mineral oil, vegetable oil, or petroleum and the use of certain medication such as steroids or the contraceptive pill. However, acne is most often caused by the secretion of androgens, or sex hormones that are initially secreted at the onset of puberty. Androgens are male hormones but they are secreted by females as well. They stimulate the production of oil from the skin's oil glands. When these oil glands become overactive and the exit from the gland is blocked, oil builds up in the gland and they begin to swell. This is how acne forms. A bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes normally colonizes this swollen gland causing the development of inflammation and pus. In particularly severe cases, the glands may burst into the skin and produce cysts.

* Avoid oily and chemically ridden cosmetics or any facial products that contain sodium lauryl sulphate, socetyl stearate, isopropyl isostearate, isopropyl palmitate, isopropyl myristate, and sodium chloride, parabens as these ingredients can cause acne.

* Give dry skin extra care, being sure to wash and rinse your face thoroughly and using products especially made for dry skin. Dietary Tips for Acne A recent Australian trial conducted at RMIT University, Melbourne, has shown that a low glycemic index (GI), high protein diet improved symptoms of acne including the number of facial lesions. The diet consisted of 25% of energy from protein and 45% of energy from low GI carbohydrates such as fruit and vegetables, grains and pulses.

Interestingly acne is seen as a condition associated with Western diets that are generally higher in saturated and trans-fats, high in simple carbohydrates and sugars and lower in healthy protein sources. Acne vulgaris is seen in up to 79-95% of the adolescent population in Westernized countries. Non-Western diets, which are traditionally high in low glycaemic foods, do not have the same association.

While there are other factors that influence the incidence of acne vulgaris in adolescents and increasingly, adults, diet is definitely a factor that needs to be taken into consideration. A low GI diet is a key part of the successful treatment of acne.

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Acne Cured Through Dietary Changes

By: David Dorrough

There are several reasons people develop acne problems. Some of them, like genetic tendencies and hormonal changes in teens, are normal functions of the body and the acne will usually go away in time. However, there are other factors that we do have control over and these are diet related.

Although hard to pinpoint, what you consume is by and large one of the main causes of severe acne cases. Your body has several ways to eliminate waste products. These are through your bowels, your urinary tract and kidneys, your liver, your lungs, and your skin. When your body eliminates waste through the skin, the skin pores commonly get clogged up and acne develops. It is this elimination of waste through the skin that is the focus of this article.

The first thing that I would like to point out is that today's diet, for most people, is simply garbage. Too many people have very poor diets that consists of fast foods or foods that are heavily processed and contain a ton of chemicals. Just look at the ingredients on any package and you will see what I mean.

If you go back a hundred years or so and examine the diets then, the food was fresh, void of any chemicals other than manure for fertilizer, and either grown on their own soil or a nearby farm. Back then, the population was much smaller and they tended to group together in small clusters that the local farms could sustain. You don't have that today. Today, people live everywhere, sometimes far away from their food source. That food has to be harvested and preserved to prevent rotting until it can reach someone's table hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away. It's mainly a logistical problem of keeping the food fresh for transport. That is the main reason that the advent of chemicals and preservatives came into the food chain. Every kind of food has this problem. You have to look very hard to find food that doesn't contain these toxic chemicals. It is the bodies attempt to rid itself of these foreign substances that is the root cause for acne problems today. Also, it shouldn't surprise you to learn that most of the chronic illnesses that exist today, were unheard of prior to the 20th century. Even President Eisenhower's personal physician stated once that he didn't see his first heart attack victim until the 1920's. Cancer didn't exist, nor did diabetes and heart disease. When I was young, old people got cancer and diabetes. Today, children get it also. You are what you eat, as they say. So, give serious thought to a diet consisting of nothing but organically grown foods that are pesticide free, and your acne problems will disappear and your overall health will improve.

The first thing that I would change in my diet is the consumption of dairy products, and cow's milk in particular. Today's milk contains so many preservatives, steroids, and growth hormones that it is a leading cause of acne and other health related problems. Acne is the least of these. Cardiovascular problems develop because milk is the leading contributor of plaque and mucus in the body. Nutritionists are becoming increasingly aware of the problems caused by cow's milk. Numerous studies have been made and presented to The New England Journal of Medicine about the health consequences of consuming cow's milk. Good substitutes are goat's milk or soy milk. The milk lobby has done a very good job of presenting a case that milk is a good source of vitamin D and calcium. It's not. Green leafy vegetables are a much better source for calcium. There are even several studies that state that past the age of three, the human body is incapable of digesting cow's milk, which gives credibility to the plaque build up and mucus build up in the bodies of heavy milk drinkers. So replacing cow's milk with either goat's milk or soy milk is the first step I would take to get rid of acne. Replace margarine with real butter if you must use any at all. Believe it or not, margarine is just one molecule away from being plastic. In fact, if you set a tub of margarine out in the sun, it will turn into a black greasy substance that bugs and insects will avoid. I guess they have better sense than humans.

Other areas I would take a strong hard look at is the consumption of red meat and processed sugars, for the same reasons. They are heavily laced with chemicals, especially red meat. Consider replacing red meat with fish, in particular, deep salt water fish. The reason there is the deep water doesn't contain near the pollutants that shallow water has, plus the Omega 3 Fatty Acids that deep water fish contain are good for the heart. Look at your sugar intake and make changes there. Don't even consider sugar substitutes like aspartame, saccharin, and others as they are highly toxic and there is a growing body of evidence pointing to that. If you need a sugar substitute, consider stevia, which is composed of crushed organic chrysanthemum leaves. Stevia can be obtained at your local health food store. It's much sweeter than table sugar and healthy for you.

Get rid of tap water in your diet. Do you realize that sulfuric acid is used in water purification plants to rid the water of waste products. Now that's a comforting thought, isn't it? Use distilled water or purified water instead. Drink at least 8 glasses a day to keep the body properly hydrated and the metabolic processes functioning properly.

If you try all the suggestions that I have mentioned, you will most likely get rid of your acne problem and improve your health in numerous areas, however, if you still have problems with acne after trying all that, then consider going to a food allergist and getting tested. You most likely have some sort of food allergy that is manifesting itself through outbreaks of acne. It's highly likely that you will find an allergy to some kind of grain product.

In summary, a truly healthy diet is one that is organic in nature, void of all the chemicals, pesticides, and harmful fertilizers. Consuming nothing but organic fruits and vegetables, fish, whole grains, nuts and beans, juices and distilled water, will go a long way towards eliminating acne in your life forever and improving your overall health drastically. Adding daily exercise will also help you eliminate toxins through your sweat glands and skin pores more efficiently.

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Acne Skin Care Through Natural Herbs

By Nick Mutt

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that can occur in any age but mostly in the period of puberty. This skin problem originates from the root of the hair follicles where they are associated with sebaceous glands. Such structures are called as pilosebaceous glands. When the blood circulating in these glands is impure, then it causes eruptions on the surface of the skin. These eruptions are commonly called as pimples or zits.

What are the causes of acne?

* Improper or faulty diet
* More sexual desires in adolescence
* Deficiency of vitamin A
* Menstrual problems, such as irregular or delayed periods

What should be the diet to cure acne?

* Eat green leafy vegetables. This will provide the cellulose for roughage, which takes care of proper movement of bowels
* Avoid spicy and sugary food. Keep your diet a perfect balance of foods with different tastes.
* Include fresh fruits in your diet. This will build up proper water content in your body, which will make the blood purer.
* Do not eat fatty, deep fried, high sugar content food and milk products
* Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily

Do's and don't for acne

* Protect the affected area from harmful rays of sun and also don't wash your face frequently and keep your skin dry.
* Prefer using mild natural cleanser for skin cleaning to prevent acne growth.
* Try to expose your skin to fresh air and sunlight. This will help in opening the pores on the skin and lead to better circulation
* Avoid any type of stress. Stress can release more hormones, which would exacerbate the acne. Do those activities only which you like most.

Acne skin care through home recipes

* Prepare a paste of orange peels and apply on the affected area.
* Squeeze indian plum or jambola in water and this paste must be applied on the affected part. This is more effective in the pimples that appear in early youth.
* You can also prepare a mixture of nutmeg and red sandalwood in water. Apply this mixture on the face.
* Prepare a paste of either turmeric and neem leaves or turmeric and sandalwood paste also gives relief from acne
* You can also apply grated potatoes on affected area to get relief from acne pain and inflammation.
* Apply garlic paste on the affected area. It will help the acne to dry living no scars.
* You can also boil tulasi (holy basil) leaves on water. Cool it and apply on effected area with cotton, it is beneficial for acne treatment

How ayurveda helps in acne cure?

There are few herbs that are found to be beneficial in the treatment of acne. They are:

* Mint leaves (Pudina): The leaves of pudina have good cooling properties, and are commonly used as anti-inflammatory agent.
* Papaya: It has excellent properties for reducing pimples by direct application on them.
* Turmeric (Haldi): It is also commonly used for all skin ailments, including psoriasis
* Sandalwood (Chandan): It has also very cooling effects and its mild fragrance brings freshness to the affected part. It purifies the blood and prevents further outbreaks of acne.
* Aloe vera: It takes care of marks left behind by acne that have dried away. It restores the former sheen of the skin.

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Best Acne Treatment Now Discovered

by Nick Mutt

Skins are very sensitive and the most exposed part of the body and hence the most affected area. They are more prone to diseases since the dirt, grime, polluted air and exhaust from the vehicles all get accumulated here. Hence skins must be given proper care.

Using synthetic cosmetic products for acne treatment is not a safe solution. So you must look toward natural home remedies to get rid of acne. The great assurance about home remedies is that they are harmless and will not cause you any side effects. Below are some very effective home remedies for acne:

* Prepare a paste of one teaspoon cinnamon powder and an equal quantity of lemon juice and apply it softly on your face, especially the pimple affected area.

* Take raw milk and grind nutmeg with it. It is one of the best acne home treatments. No marks or scars will be left on your face.

* Mix three table spoons of pure honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and apply it on the pimples and let the paste remain there overnight. Wash it next morning with lukewarm water. Continue it for two weeks. It is also an effective natural acne treatment.

* Mix rose water and lime juice in equal quantities. Apply profusely on the affected area. With lukewarm water wash it off, after 30 minutes. It has also good results in treating acne.

* Mix lime juice with groundnut oil and apply on the affected area. It is also a good treatment for blackheads and pimples.

* Crush garlic and apply fresh juice on and around the pimples. You will be having permanent acne solution and no scars will be left on your face.

The above mentioned home remedies not only cures acne but also prevent acne and improves the appearance of your skin over time.

Disclaimer: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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e mërkurë, 2 maj 2007

Acne Skin Care Products for Men

by Paolo Basauri

Choosing the right acne skin care product may seem like a stressful, and even emotional task. With so many infomercials and acne products promising the perfect skin results, it's hard to make up your mind on just one, becuase they all seem to promise wonders just to underdeliver once you get them.

The truth is that there are tons of fake acne solutions on the market, companies just looking to make some quick bucks, but there is a way to make sure that you are picking the right acne product that will deliver the clear skin you've been searching for.

The best advice I can give is that you look for all the reviews possible on the product of your choice. Type in the product + reviews onto any major search engine online and take some time to read through a couple of reviews until you get a general idea of what others who have already tried the product think. There are many sites online that consist of reviews made by customers, even Amazon has it integrated in their product sites. There are also blogs that get products for review and give their honest opinion about the subject.

Also, as a main point in your quest to find the best solution, make sure the acne treatment of your choice doesn't contain astringents or alcohol since these can cause further irritation of the skin.

I personally hated when I spent money on a skin care product only to realize with time after its use there where no results to be seen. That is why at Men's Skin Care Tips Blog we give guys honest reviews about skin care products for men, including acne skin care products for men.

Real reviews on products for men, that way you can get the acne skin care you need with out having to waste money on useless products.

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Some Facts About Skin Care

By Acne Treatments

Acne treatment can be very time consuming process. Many people get tired treating acne and getting no results. They change the acne medication, try herbals and home remedies but get no results. Acne treatment can be speeded up greatly if you follow some basic care. Good skin care stops aggravation of acne and help cure acne. Let us look at some of the skin care tips for acne treatment.

1. Don't squeeze out blackheads or whiteheads. Squeezing may lead to further infection. Squeezing also increases the pore size. If you want ask your doctor to remove the comedones.

2. Excessive sweat or dirt does not cause acne. What we see as black in blackheads is not dirt, but oxidized sebum. This does not mean that one should keep skin dirty. But excessive cleaning of skin will not cure acne. Excessive cleaning may rather aggravate the condition.

3. It is recommended that you use noncomedogenic cosmetics and skin care products. For quick acne treatment, I would say that you avoid any cosmetic. But if you must use, use Noncomedogenic products. These products do not cause any acne.

4. Rapid change of medication will not speed up acne treatment. Use any good medication at least for one month. If by that time you observe no results than you should ask your doctor about another medication.

Basic skin care is very important for quick resolution of acne. Overuse of medication, trying unknown products does not help the acne treatment. They may worsen your condition.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

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Chemical Peeling Or Lasers

By Acne Treatments

Acne treatment is incomplete without removing the dirty looking acne scars. Acne may go away but the scars remain for a lifetime. Many treatments are suggested for treatment of acne scars. Out of these chemical peeling and laser are very popular. Let us compare both of them.

Acne scars- treatment with chemical peeling-

Chemical peeling is one of the popular cosmetic procedures to remove old skin and get a fresh new skin. Chemical peeling is also called derma-peeling or chemexfoliation. As the name implies, in this procedure, the skin is peeled off with chemicals and when the new skin grows it is fresh and with lesser sun damage and wrinkles. Depending on the strength of the peeling chemical, the peeling procedure may be called- superficial, medium-depth or deep. The name refers to the depth of the skin to which the chemical peels off the old skin.

The common chemicals used for chemical peeling are alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), trichloroacetic acid and phenol. Your doctor may also choose other chemicals to get the desired result. With superficial peeling, you can go back to work immediately while after getting medium or deep peeling done, you may have to let the new skin grow for some days before you go out. The pain and trouble associated with peeling also depends on the depth to which peeling is done. Superficial peeling will remove fine lines, wrinkles etc. while with deep peeling, deep scars and pre-cancerous sun damage gets removed.

Acne scars- treatment with lasers

A laser is focused high energy light. The scientific name of LASER is 'Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation'. Ordinary light emits photons in all the directions and consists of many wavelengths. Unlike that, laser emits photons in a single direction and consists of a single wavelength. Laser therefore has very high energy and can be focused on any object or in any direction. In laser skin resurfacing, the laser burns away the unwanted skin tissues bloodlessly and gives a new shape with precise control.

Laser resurfacing is a bloodless process and doctors can control the resurfacing more accurately with it. The risk of infection is also low with this procedure. With latest lasers available, this process is revolutionizing the procedure of facial resurfacing and scar removal.

Both lasers and chemical peeling give good results. Lasers are more expensive than chemical peeling. Lasers can also be controlled much better than chemical peeling. But chemical peeling is much cheaper.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

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