e enjte, 3 maj 2007

The Real Acne Solution

By: Sarah Rhodes

Your own body will naturally attempt to clear the clogged pores by sending in certain specialized cells that invade the follicles to help clean it up. However, in the process, the wall of the follicles may weaken and rupture, emptying the contents of the follicles into the surrounding tissue. When this occurs, swelling or redness can develop around the affected follicles, resulting in the larger bumps or pimples characteristics of acne. These are known as papules and pustules and can sometimes cause scarring.

Acne, however, just occurs normally and naturally with teenagers like you so you shouldn't feel so bad and depressed about it.According to recent statistics, 9 out of 10 teens and about 25% of the adult population suffer from acne. But, acne is just a skin problem that can actually be treated. Doctors and health companies, nowadays, are looking forward to give us the best acne treatments for teenagers. Health tips are also worth to follow and made to practice. You should know that prevention is better than a cure! As the saying goes, the best cure for your acne problems is making the constant effort of preventing it to occur in the first place.

Today, there's a huge variety of natural acne treatments available. They claim to help you with improving Acne and its blemishes but you have to be very careful in choosing witch one you will use. However, they are mostly designed to do two things: 1.) Help correct hormonal imbalances related to acne breakouts. 2.) Reduce inflammation and swelling, and pave the way for fast skin repair where breakouts have recently occurred.

With the advanced acne treatments and acne products available today, acne need no longer have such a crippling impact on the sufferers' life. Once the outward symptom of acne first becomes apparent, that is, inflammation and lesion on the skin, it is important that you treat it right away so as to slow down or stop further inflammation.

Stress is commonly blamed for the development of acne. Stress can have many physiologic effects on the body, including changes in hormones that may theoretically lead to acne. In some cases the stress may actually be caused by the acne lesions, not the other way around! If the acne is being treated effectively, stress is not likely to have much impact on the majority of people.

Homeopathic treatment is made from minerals, herbs and other natural extracts that activate the body’s natural defenses. Because these ingredients are in minute concentrations, they trigger the body to heal itself without side effects.

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