e enjte, 3 maj 2007

Diet As a Natural Treatment For Acne

By: Sarah Rhodes

For women it may be necessary to change some of the cosmetics you use daily ensuring that any foundations, blushes, eye shadow or moisturizers are oil free. It is best to look for products labeled noncomedogenic as these do not promote the formation of closed pores that cause the formation of spots and pimples. Even using these particular products some women may find their condition worsening. Additionally, it may be difficult to apply foundations during the first few weeks of treatment as the skin may become red or scaly, particularly with the use of topical tretinoin or benzoyl peroxide.

Does chocolate really cause pimples? How about oily foods? Do French fries bring on the acne? The latest reports show that although scientific evidence is not 100% accurate in this area, your diet does not directly cause acne. And by diet, this means not only chocolate and French fries, but also any other dietary combinations with sugar and oil or other ingredients.

It is important to exfoliate. This helps remove the dead skin cells, to maintain a healthy and glowing skin. A mild cleanser will help exfoliate the face after washing. Scrubbing will also help exfoliate the face, which can be done once or twice a week. This procedure will aid in reducing dead layers skin cells that clog the pores, reason why more pimples or acne.

Hygiene helps to control it, yet acne is not caused by a lack of hygeine, it comes about because of bacteria already present in the skin. The only true combatant, it seems, is to use a multitude of acne prevention methods at the same time or to find a permanent natural cure.

I have a question for acne-researchers. You say that acne is not a disease at all! If it is not a disease, then, what are you treating for? Why these galaxy of medicines and lotions are mounting the windows of drug stores? And what about those scar-problems, that one has to face? Now, don’t say there is no scar at all! Just because, your search and research is unable to get at it, do not deny its existence! Can you say that Malaria fever comes and goes after 7 days? Don’t you treat it as Malaria, when you get the attack?

Adult acne can be caused by a hormonal imbalances, pollution, medications, or stress to name a few. Studies have shown a direct correlation between hormonal imbalances and outbreaks of acne in women ranging in age from 30 to 40 years.

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